Calibrating with ArgyllCMS&DispCalGUI with dynamic contrast or projector iris.

When I was trying to calibrate LG's 34UM95-P, only way to calibrate was to use it's energy saving setting (=kind of slow dynamic contrast) on. The problem was it was slow. When I was measuring with HCFR I found out it needs at least 400ms delay before the luminance settles. In HCFR you can set this delay ( Latency Time) but not in ArgyllCMS&DispcalGui.

There is a commandline option in ArgyllCMS that allows you to run your own command every time the color is changed. It's main purpose is you can have your own way of showing the colors on screen. You can easily insert there also some delay.

Create file SensorDelay.bat and put it in your root ( the easiest way, it doesn't work well with spaces in path names. ).  In this batch file put complete path name and file name of sleep command you are going to use with parameters. I don't remember if Windows has any sleep command but I have several. Cyrwin has sleep with accuracy on seconds but Windows Resource Toolkit sleep you can set the delay to milliseconds so I used that one. I copied also the sleep command to root.

So my SensorDelay.bat is:
d:\sleep -m 500

The command parameter in ArgyllCMS is
-C "D:\SensorDelay.bat"

In DispCalGui you can set it in Options/Set additional commandline arguments
You only need to add the parameter to commands dispcal and dispread.

There you go! Now there is an additional 500 ms delay before each measurement.
