Meaning of Flow

According the Wikipedia:

"Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does."

I know flow, I've been there, constantly. While kitesurfing, while working, solving some complex problems.

But to me, flow has a broader meaning.  It's the flow of oil inside the bearings. It's the flow of tiny air bubbles between the surface of surfboard and water, reducing the friction. It's the flow of parcels from factories to consumers. It's the flow of traffic, taking me from point A to point B. It's doing my job in a most efficient way, minimizing useless parts of it.  When things flow, there's no sand in the bearings, everything goes smooth and frictionless.

The internet and technology is also about removing friction. The friction of the internet is the price of it and as the price is cut in half every year, it's becoming virtually frictionless, free ( Chris Anderson: Free: The Future of a Radical Price )

Of course having no friction is a fantasy. But as my father used to say 'the salmon is such a valuable fish that it's worth to fish it even if you don't catch it'. Imagine a world without friction. You could drive your car around the world with one push. Imagine buying stuff that lasts forever.

That's it. Getting more, doing more with less friction.

